Public policies
In the Sowing Water Project, the theme is cross-sectional.
The Sowing Water Project aims to increase the water security of the Cantareira System, including measures to adapt to and mitigate climate change. In this direction, among the main strategies is adopting new technologies for rural production, such as the Management of Ecological Pasture, Native Forestry, and Agroforestry Systems; and the forest restoration of degraded areas, especially APPs using the concept of Nature-Based Solutions.
The formation of an intersectoral support network, and the organization of an Action Plan with several actors, have the potential to institute an integrated approach of the landscape. Therefore, aligning existing legal mechanisms and enabling the construction of new public policy instruments, creating guidelines based on science, green economy, and low carbon agriculture suited to the region’s particularities.

A crucial moment in the articulation of the various actors working in the region was the Meeting held in 2018 regarding the challenges and opportunities to improve water security in the Cantareira System.

In view of the climate emergency and its consequences, several countries and economic blocs consider paramount the implementation of a development model capable of promoting advances in the environmental, social, and economic spheres, as well as good management and governance practices.
The Public Policy front also seeks to dialogue with local governments about the need for policy formulations under a new dimension of investments, enabling a post-COVID economic recovery based on the regenerative economy, which brings the principles of sustainability (social, environmental, and economic) in line with the importance of actions capable of contributing to the planet’s regeneration.
Learn about fundamental advances achieved:
- LETTER OF THE CANTAREIRA SYSTEM: Intentions and actions to ensure water availability in one of the most important systems on the planet.
The document that was developed jointly is among the main results of the Meeting held in 2018 on the challenges and opportunities to increase water security in the Cantareira System.
- Prioritization of research lines proposed for the Cantareira Continuum region
- Good Practices Protocol: involves the relationship between researcher/manager and UC/university in the Cantareira Continuum Protected Areas System
Both developed from the Technical-Scientific Symposium of the Cantareira Continuum, together with managers of Conservation Units (UCs), researchers, and leaders with great articulation in the Cantareira Continuous Network.
The event is a partnership between Fundação Florestal (Forestry Foundation) and IPÊ, with the support of Instituto Florestal (Forestry Institute), ESCAS – Escola Superior de Conservação Ambiental e Sustentabilidade (Higher School of Environmental Conservation and Sustainability) and the Sowing Water Project.
The Sowing Water Project’s team integrates several forums and councils, playing an active role and fostering joint discussions that define the guidelines and public policies aimed at water security, agriculture, environment, economy, climate, and environmental education.
- Management Council of APAS Piracicaba/Juqueri-Mirim Area II, Cantareira System and Bairro da Usina Dam
- COMAM – Conselho de Meio Ambiente (Environment Council) of the Municipality of Nazaré Paulista
- Planning Technical Chambers, Environmental Education, Rural, Basin and Natural Resources Plan of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí river basin committees (CBH PJC). Environmental Parliamentary Front for the Defense of Water and Sanitation in São Paulo, Alesp
- Legislative Assembly of the State, through the Working Group on Forests, Conservation Units, and Agroecology
- Environmental Parliamentary Front
- Climate Observatory
- Sao Paulo Forest Forum
- Brazil Climate, Forests, and Agriculture Coalition
- Interinstitutional Commission for Environmental Education of São Paulo CIEA-SP