Course on Sustainable Production in the Cantareira System, in Piracaia (SP)
Photo by Tiago Bacarin/Estúdio Garagem
Olinda Maria da Silva Santos, from Camanducaia (MG), opened the doors to her site for the course on Sustainable Production in the Cantareira System. She talks about the implementation of the agroforestry system on her property during practical activities.
Jefferson Manoel Braga, from Mairiporã (SP), participated in the training alongside his grandfather, Mr. Acidino Manoel; he shares the experience of being able to reconcile productivity and a respectful relationship with the environment.
Tacyra Gomes, from Itapeva (MG), shares her expectations about the Sowing Water Project’s course and discusses what she will put into practice, breaking the boundaries of the property.
Dario Fontes, from Bragança Paulista (SP), was looking for more information about the Silvipastoral System, Picketing, and Agroforestry. Follow the testimonial right after the technical assistance.
Tania Ribeiro Soares, from Nazaré Paulista (SP), talks about choosing to be a rural producer and the importance of taking care of the soil and water to fulfill her role of helping the environment.
Isaias Miguel da Silva, from Itapeva (MG), participated in the training courses of the Sowing Water Project and disclosures what he learned to transition from traditional to organic production.